
Users meetings

April 18, 2018

3D imaging for Life Sciences

The meeting showcased the range and diversity of imaging available for life sciences research at the Biomedical Imaging Unit and µ-VIS; two of University of Southampton core-facilities

This first joint meeting series ‘3D Imaging for Life Sciences’ of the Biomedical Imaging Unit & µ-VIS X-ray Imaging Centre, run both at the University Hospital and Highfield Campus in Southampton, represented an exciting opportunity and brought together people in the Life Sciences from academia and industry, who are actively developing and exploiting 3D imaging technologies for their research and business activities.

Thank you to all the speakers and the many participants who shaped these events and are supporting this initiative. We are continuing to provide access, support and training for 2D & 3D imaging technologies across different scales, striving to establish a hub and build up a community for 3D imaging in Southampton and the UK. 

Dr Philipp Schneider (µ-VIS) & Dr Anton Page (BIU)